Hybrid events on Seekube are composed of two key moments :
a virtual one, on the platform
and an on-site one, in a given place on a given date.
For this type of events, you will get to choose - at registration - one or the other participation type, or both !
🚨 On Seekube, 2 key-moments (or participation types) = only 1 hybrid event !
📌 I want to participate to a hybrid event, on-site, virtually or both
On a hybrid event you can, from the landing registration page, check the dates for both key-moments of the event, on-site and/or virtual :
On this type of events, choose the participation type right from when you register (after filling in your profile, your resume and your search criteria) :
💡 To know how to register to any event on the platform, click here.
🚨 Careful ! You can edit your participation mode later on, but only to add a mode. It is not possible to unregister to a participation type.
📌 How to differentiate or edit my participation type.s ?
Your participation type is always displayed under the name of the event, on the top left corner of your dashboard (once you're on the event) :
The "wi-fi" icon represents a virtual participation and the "localisation" icon an on-site participation
If you're only participating to one of the two modes, you can click on Edit at anytime and register for the participation you're not participating in yet
🚨 Careful ! You can edit your participation mode later on, but only to add a mode. It is not possible to unregister to a participation type.
📌 If I participate to both key-moments (virtual + on-site), how do I know how and where I'll meet a recruiter ? During which key-moment will my appointment take place ?
When you participate both on-site and virtually, you have access to the companies' participation type (on their Stand, or under the Stands/Companies tab) :
Example → The company on this screenshot participates in both key-moments : on-site AND virtual.
🚨 Careful ! It is not mandatory for every recruiter from this company to add on-site AND virtual time slots. They can choose to add only virtual, or on-site availability slots.
When booking a time slot with a recruiter, the type is always indicated by an icon (phone/visio/on-site) :
💡 For on-site slots, the meeting location is always specified when selecting the slot, on the right panel of the screen.
📌 What's the difference between interview time slots and 1/1 Chats slots (if feature is enabled on the event) ?
Interview time slots are related to an offer, you can book them when applying to offers published by recruiters ; the exchange will be centered around the offer, most of the time in a recruitment process
1/1 Chats are informal exchanges, non-related to offers ; they allow you to discuss with recruiters more freely than in a regular recruitment interview and are available to book from a specific tab :
💡 No offer from a company matches your search criteria ? You still want to know more about them ? Book a 1/1 Chat with one of their members !
👉 To know more about booking appointments and 1/1 Chats, click here.
📌 Can I have a 1/1 Chat with a recruiter during the virtual part of the event and see the same person for an interview during the on-site part, or the other way around ?
No, it's not possible. On a same event, you can only meet the same person/recruiter once, even when there are two key-moments.
On Seekube, 2 key-moments or participation types = 1 hybrid event only !
💡 If you're interested in a company, don't forget to check if they have available 1/1 Chat slots.
📌 Can I access the stands of companies that aren't registered under the same participation type as I am ?
You can only see the stands of companies that are registered to the same participation mode as you, same for recruiters' offers and time slots.
Example → You only participate to the virtual part of the event, you will only see the companies that are also registered for the virtual part.
💡 (RECOMMENDED) If you participate to both parts of the event (on-site + virtual) you have access to all companies, offers and time slots.
📌 Can I attend Lives from companies that aren't registered under the same key-moment as I am ?
If Lives are enabled on the event, you can only see and participate to conferences published by companies that have registered for the same participation type as you.
Example → If you only participate to the virtual part of the event, you cannot see nor register to live conferences published by companies that only participate to the on-site part of the event, and the other way around.
💡 If you participate to both the on-site and virtual part, you have access to all published live conferences. aux deux temps forts vous avez accès à tous les lives publiés. Click here to know more.
🎇 You now know everything about hybrid events ! If you have any further question, or didn't find the answer you were looking for, don't hesitate to reach out to us via the chat box or via email at support@seekube.com.